First Flanders Fields Gravel Tour, a new Biking Box-project end of August '23

Biking Events is launching a new cycling event: the 1st Flanders Fields Gravel Tour, from the home base where the Biking Box Cycling Experience Center is located: YPRES! With this we are fully committed to the many cycling assets that the Westhoek has to offer. Will this work in 2023? It indeed looks that way. From Friday 25 to Sunday 27 August we hope to be able to set out 3 challenging gravel rides. This will be done in close cooperation with the Royal Yperse Cycling Club (also organizer of the Kattekoers and La Route des Géants). Currently, a lot of work is still going on behind the scenes. But we hope to be able to announce this officially and with complete information as soon as possible. The tried and tested principles of the LCMT will in any case also be incorporated, being an all-in arrangement linked to the option to book accommodation directly. The latter partly due to our new booking module, which we have been working on for some time. That module is now complete and it is only a matter of entering all the input (read: finding accommodation providers willing to also offer overnight arrangements via the registration module).
Of course you will find all about this new Graveltour on a brand new website, which now to be developped. All will be announced smoothly from half January!